After a hiatus of many years, I am an artist who has returned to a first love called painting. I have a B.F.A in Illustration from CSULB and worked in a corporate art department before “retiring” to raise a family, and am now wrestling with the challenges and pleasures of painting on location (aka “en plein air”) and in my studio.
Plein air painting is the most difficult genre I have ever attempted. The challenges are numerous: shifting light conditions, inconvenient weather, assorted “critters,” distilling and simplifying massive amounts of visual information into a focused personal statement, and the greatest opponent of all: time. Most plein air painters have an approximate two-hour window before light conditions morph their subject matter into a completely altered vista. The rewards, however, are manifold: direct connection with the natural world, jubilation when I know that I’ve caught the vision I attempted to paint, and personal growth as an artist.
Oil on Panel
Oil on Panel
Oil on Panel
Oil on Panel
Oil on Panel
Oil on Panel
Oil on Panel
Oil on Panel