Young Shin lives and dreams in colors. Known for her saturated paintings, this artist employs the mediums of oils, watercolors, and acrylics to capture her vision of the world. Young Shin was born in Seoul, Korea, received her BA in English Literature from Ewha University and her BFA from Youngstown State University. She currently works and lives in Irvine, California. For the last 18 years, her artwork has been site specific, inspired by the California landscape. Awards include the Virginia Williams Award, Mahoning Watercolor Society’s Best in Show, Ohio Collage Society’s Juror’s Award, and Women’s Art Celebration, Purchase Award. Her work is included in the permanent collections of the Butler Institute of American Art, The Trumbull Art Gallery, Trunick Gallery, and the Nissen Art Gallery. Young Shin is also a dedicated art educator, having worked at the Butler Institute and OCMA.
Watercolor on Paper
Watercolor on Paper
Acrylic on Canvas
Mixed Media
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas